Federal Court Says No To Sharing?

Federal Court Says No To Sharing?

The Following article gives an interesting overview with regards to the sharing of intellectual property in todays highly competitive supermarket marketing landscape.

"Digital Marketing Unchallenged For Marketing Funds"

It would seem at this juncture, digital marketing is unchallenged when looking for retail sales growth and is the baseline for marketing spends. The CPG community has found as has most national politicians digital marketing has no rival for overall effectiveness and immediate results.

When any individual or more important for-profit retailer decides to reach out digitally it is most often Facebook that becomes the somewhat default first choice. While Facebook seems the most logical place to begin the retailer will require content.

This content is intended to "Brand" the retailer and keep his or her supermarket "Top Of Mind". Often times either in haste or because of a lack of available new content the retailer looks to "Share" on Facebook.

"Sharing Of Intellectual Property Challenged"

"Landmark Internet Victory"

In February 2018 Ken Norwick won a landmark court decision that New York Magazine said “had the potential to shake the very foundation on which the modern internet is built, changing the way websites from huge publications to one-person blogs do business online.” The court granted summary judgment to a photographer, ruling that websites that “embed” photos without the authorization of the copyright owners can be liable for copyright infringement. The decision is now on appeal. The case is Goldman v. Breitbart News Network, et al., 2018 U.S. LEXIS 25215, 2018 WL 911340 (S.D.N.Y. 2018).

In a landmark case shown above the sharing of Intellectual Property in an attempt to bolster for-profit companies digital awareness has become an unacceptable marketing solution. This, often times liberal southern district court of New York, has ruled that while sharing was often used the practice should be discontinued.

When we look the idea of Facebook sharing over, legal or otherwise its actual effectiveness is called into question. Does Facebook sharing actually help or hurt the retailer it is intended to bolster financially?

So the question becomes, is sharing a recipe video or interesting graphic on Facebook even an effective marketing solution? Lets look a little closer at Facebook sharing and what actually takes place.

A supermarket retailer or any company for that matter, spends tens of thousands of dollars to acquire likes or Facebook followers. Now this proud retailer with great marketing intentions places video on his or her Facebook timeline as a post. While the post is visible on the retailers timeline when posted the recipe video now gets re-posted on the timelines of the retailers followers.

"Here Lies The Simple But Costly Digital Oversight"

Believing the video will be viewed by hundreds or even perhaps thousands the posts continue. The oversight is simple though. When we find a video interesting and choose to view the video where does the video take the viewer?

Your potential customer now watches the video and once the video ends the customer finds themselves on the page of the video origin and not the retailers web page. This is the exact opposite of the intended Facebook post.

"Shopping Is Distracting...Lets Close The Deal With The Weekly Shopper"

Our goal is that all recipe videos conclude at the retailers web site. So now the customer has seen the video, has meal planning ideas and with those meal planning ideas in now within the supermarkets web site ready to plan and purchase this weeks groceries.

There is no value in spending thousands of dollars to send your customers to recipe video web sites where the shopper is left without a specific grocery retailer.

The only way to accomplish this is to create the valuable Intellectual Property. When the retailer or their agency actually owns the intellectual property only then can you place the valuable content within the retailers web site. Now you can choose the customers destination when the video concludes.

"What Might Help Sales This Summer...Bad -Adz Digital"

"We Hope You Have A Great Start To Summer"

Many have asked why I choose to write about what I see in the supermarket industry today and my ideas. At Bad-Adz Digital, PreparedFoodPhotos.com & Adlife we believe great ideas and the resulting branding will give new life and direction to any company. So for that reason we chose to open the discussion.

Yes, I understand I probably misspelled something or butchered the English language in a few places, the goal however was to open your minds to new ideas. Many thanks to Sharon Albrizio for her help with this article.

Joel Albrizio, President of Bad-Adz PreparedFoodPhotos.com & Adlife

Follow Me On Twitter @joelalbrizio or on LinkedIn!

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Adlife & Bad-Adz Digital - Branding Through Images

Adlife & Bad-Adz Digital - Branding Through Images