Bankrupt Printers?...Is Your Printer Next?

Bankrupt Printers?...Is Your Printer Next?

By Joel Albrizio, President, Adlife Marketing & Communications

The "Boston Herald" Announces Bankruptcy Filing!

This last week the Boston Herald filed for bankruptcy protection. Why is that? Print is analog and today we live in a digital world. When was the last time you were with someone who did not occasionally take a look at their cell phone?

"Digital Killed The Supermarket Circular As We Know It"

The supermarket circular is changing. A grocers circular can now be delivered via eMail with a digital recipe included. Imagine the recipe's success, now live with video. You will enjoy instructing your customer just how to cook or bake the specials you offer this week on sale?

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Once Just A Concept "Bad-Adz" By Adlife Delivers Digital Circulars With Cooking Video Recipe's To Entice the Shopper

"Bad-Adz" is a new digital concept in supermarket retail. Bad-Adz delivers the grocers circular via eMail with 100% market saturation. Included within the Bad-Adz eMail is a center of the plate digital recipe instructing your customer just how to cook something special they might like to try.

If the supermarket puts an item on sale the customer has no idea how to cook, the potential retail sale along with the intended increase in basket size is now lost.

With it's concentration on center of the plate sale items, Bad-Adz delivers retail food sales. When retailers provide helpful cooking tips or in this case complete video recipe's the retailer has now become a resource for the shopper. When a grocery retailer becomes a resource for the customer the retailer has lessoned his or her dependance on that low price point.

Digital Recipe's Make Shopping & Now Cooking Fun

If like many of us you are not an expert chef, a video telling you just how to cook that favorite meal will make cooking fun.

We want both your customer and your potential customer to look to your supermarket as a resource and look to have fun cooking. When its fun to shop and cook with your help an increased basket size makes it fun for the retailer as well.

"Have Some Fun & Try Bad-Adz Digital Ads By Adlife"

Many have asked why I choose to write about what I see in the supermarket industry today and my ideas. At Bad Adz, & Adlife we believe great ideas and the resulting branding will give new life and direction to any company. So for that reason we chose to open the discussion.

Yes, I understand I probably misspelled something or butchered the English language in a few places, the goal however was to open your minds to new ideas.

Joel Albrizio, President of Bad-Adz By Adlife & 

Follow Me On Twitter @joelalbrizio or right here on LinkedIn!

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2018...A New Retail Food Vision

2018...A New Retail Food Vision

Winn Dixie Finds Hope With Digital Ads

Winn Dixie Finds Hope With Digital Ads