Walter Smith..."Building Retail Sales"

Walter Smith..."Building Retail Sales"

By Joel Albrizio, President, Adlife Marketing & Communications

"Walter Smith Joins Bad-Adz Digital Marketing & Surprises Retailers With New Growth Well Beyond Expectations"

Bad-Adz Digital Marketing & Adlife are proud to announce Walter Smith is a part of the Bad-Adz Digital & Adlife team. We consider it to be an honor to work with a gentleman who is easily one of the most accomplished retail food sales builders of our generation.

Walter Smith is former C&S Grocery Wholesale executive who's responsibilities included a major role maintaining the C&S, Ahold relationship. Walter Smith now the Vice President & General Manager of Bad-Adz, Adlife's digital marketing counterpart.

Bad-Adz Digital Marketing leads the retail food industry in building retail grocery sales 

With experience in the often difficult independent grocer climate to lending his knowledge to the countries largest wholesale grocer, and the headwinds they faced with companies like Ahold, Walter changed the way we all believed the supply chain had to be handled in the United States.

At Bad-Adz Digital Marketing we believe most companies feel the road to profits are paved with cost cutting, while any successful retailer will tell you retail sales growth will only be found above a solid foundation of creative ideas.

Absent in todays version of the retail grocery industry are programs driving retail sales higher that can be relied upon.

With Walter Smith leading an expanding digital team, Bad-Adz Digital Marketing has the knowledge necessary to positively effect sales growth using proven retail grocery marketing programs. Walters experience and inherent knowledge of the retail grocery industry brings an unparalleled level of understanding and insight into where sales growth can be found through efficient, cost effective advertising and marketing programs.

From all of us at Bad-Adz & Adlife, we welcome Walter Smith aboard and look forward to building retail grocery sales in 2018 with you.

"Have A Safe & Happy New Year"

Many have asked why I choose to write about what I see in the supermarket industry today and my ideas. At Bad Adz, & Adlife we believe great ideas and the resulting branding will give new life and direction to any company. So for that reason we chose to open the discussion.

Yes, I understand I probably misspelled something or butchered the English language in a few places, the goal however was to open your minds to new ideas. Many thanks to Sharon Albrizio for her help with this article.

Joel Albrizio, President of Bad Adz Digital Marketing & Adlife

Follow Me On Twitter @joelalbrizio or right here on LinkedIn!

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2018...A New Retail Food Vision

2018...A New Retail Food Vision